What is the Collaborative Care Program?

This program has been uniquely created by Teamworks to address the needs of patients who are either unsure of which service(s) they would benefit from most or those who have a complex injury presentation. A thorough initial assessment is performed by one of our Chiropractors or Physiotherapists and then a customized treatment program is developed. This treatment plan includes a combination of services and treatment techniques that is specifically designed to meet each patient’s needs. We highly recommend this program for anyone that is interested in benefiting from our team approach to care. 

Your initial appointment in the Collaborative Care Program will be booked with either a Chiropractor or a Physiotherapist (depending on your preference as well as practitioner availability). Your practitioner will perform a thorough exam, including both a subjective (injury/medical/activity history) and an objective (specific and functional movements, orthopedic and possible neurological tests) assessment. Once the practitioner has gotten to the root of the problem, they will recommend a custom management plan that includes some combination of our various services (chiropractic, ART®, physiotherapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, etc). You will be actively involved in the planning process to ensure that the management plan meets your preferences and your needs.

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