(Currently on Mat Leave) Vivien has been practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture for over a decade. She graduated from the Canadian College of Oriental Medicine in 2011. She has an extensive history of working with patients with a wide range of pathologies including acute and chronic pain from muscular-skeletal injuries, sports injuries, MVA, concussions and other physical ailments.
She has found many of her patients have benefited from acupuncture for stress induced mental-emotional imbalances as well as moving patients through transitional stages in their lives. This could be transitions in life such as grief or chronic pain due to an accident or physical injury, infertility, passing of loved ones, career transitions, relationship transitions, miscarriages, pre-partum, post-partum, and the challenges of becoming a new parent or a parent to multiple members of the family.
Treatments based on the release of tension through trigger and motor point therapy can alleviate pain patterns. Alternatively, Chinese Medicine provides a deeper scope, diving into internal patterns to heal from the root of the issue.
Vivien is currently practicing between Vancouver, Sooke and Victoria in the Southern area of Vancouver Island.